
Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden.

Glenn Greenwald: The journalist who went to Hong Kong and broke the story of Edward Snowden’s revelations.

Laura Poitras: The documentary film maker. When Greenwald did not respond to Snowden’s emails he contacted Poitras who then brought Greenwald in on the story.

Ewen MacAskill: the Guardian reporter who also went to Hong Kong and interviewed Snowden.

General Keith Alexander: Director of the National Security Agency.

Chelsea Manning formerly known as Bradley: The Whistleblower sentenced to 35 years in gaol as Snowden’s revelations first came out.

James Clapper: Director of National Intelligence.

Lindsay Mills:  Snowden’s girlfriend.

Lon Snowden: Edward Snowden’s father.

David Miranda: The partner of Greenwald who became part of the story when he was detained at Heathrow airport.



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